Jim Cramer's Real Money: Sane Investing in an Insane World (Book and Audio)
"How do we find hot stocks without getting burned? How do we fatten our portfolios and stay financially healthy? Former hedge-fund manager and longtime Wall Street commentator Jim Cramer explains how to invest wisely in chaotic times, and he does so in plain English in a style that is as much fun as investing is -- or should be, when it's done right. For starters, Cramer recommends devoting a portion of your assets to speculation.
The Leaderful Fieldbook: Strategies and Activities for Developing Leadership in Everyone
The Global Economy--the flattened networked world--demands a new type of leadership: one that is collective and collaborative, where solutions and vision are co-created by everyone. Although generously depicted in the author's Creating Leaderful Organizations, the practical application of collective leadership remains a mystery to many practicing executives and managers.
When a police officer is found bludgeoned to death in an uptown strip joint, NYPD Lieutenant Eve Dallas discovers a private club called Purgatory in which clients are given a chance for atonement, everyone is judged, and one man's sins could spell damnation for the innocent.
Opening night at New York's New Globe Theater turns from stage scene to crime scene when the leading man is stabbed to death center stage. Now Eve Dallas has a high profile, celebrity homicide on her hands. Not only is she lead detective, she's also a witness - and when the press discovers that her husband owns the theater, there's more media spotlight than either can handle. The only way out is to move fast. Question everyone and everything . . . and in the meantime, try to tell the difference between the truth - and really good acting.
Once Upon a Time by John Morgan and Mario Rinvolucri
Stories can provide a highly motivating, engaging and realistic source of genuine language interaction in the classroom. They are 'living language' in which the teacher (or student storyteller) becomes the source of language, and the listeners are actively involved in understanding. The authors argue from experience that almost everyone can tell stories convincingly, especially given an outline to work from. A very wide range of these outlines, from many cultures and sources, are provided in the book.