The Most Frequent English Words, Phrases & Expressions is a list of 5325 words arranged alphabetically so that they can be easily found and marked in any dictionary.This list is compiled by M.Saddam Hossain after comparing and consulting the BNC, the Brown Corpus, the GSL, the UWL, the AWL and almost every Learners' Dictionary of the market and hundreds of sites in the Internet.
Tested among students and found to cover almost 94% of all spoken and written texts.
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Updated version with more words added Thanks to msaddam
Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases: A Practical Handbook Of Pertinent Expressions
Added by: honhungoc | Karma: 8663.28 | Black Hole | 28 September 2011
Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases: A Practical Handbook Of Pertinent Expressions
A practical handbook of pertinent expressions, striking similes, literary, commercial, conversational, and oratorical terms, for the embellishment of speech and literature, and the improvement of the vocabulary of those persons who read, write and speak English. By the American author and former instructor in public speaking at Yale University.
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Pocket Business Spanish Dictionary - Over 5000 Business Words and Expressions
This dictionary offers over 5000 terms translated to and from English covering all aspects of business, including office practice, the stock market, international trading, accounting and marketing terminology.
Pocket Business Italian Dictionary - Over 5000 Business Words and Expressions
This dictionary offers over 5,000 terms translated to and from English covering all aspects of business, including office practice, the stock market, international trading, accounting and marketing terminology. 'Bloomsbury's new bilingual dictionaries are a blessing. Pocket-sized, but packed with all the terminology you need'
Pocket Business French Dictionary - Over 5000 Business Words and Expressions
This dictionary offers over 5000 terms translated to and from English, covering all aspects of business, including office practice, the stock market, international trading, accounting and marketing terminology. '...this dictionary is essential for any business person, student or traveller who needs to deal with the language of business'