Medical Terminology: A Living Language (6th Edition)
Added by: guriy | Karma: 4608.64 | ESP, Medicine | 20 March 2017
Medical Terminology: A Living Language (6th Edition)
Build a strong foundation of medical terminology, step by step.
Medical Terminology: A Living Language uses a carefully constructed learning system to help readers gain a successful grasp of medical language within a real-world context.
International AS and A Level Mathematics: Statistics
Added by: miaow | Karma: 8463.40 | Other exams, Maths | 19 June 2016
This title covers the requirements of S1 and S2. The authors are experienced examiners and teachers who have written extensively at this level, so have ensured all mathematical concepts are explained using language and terminology that is appropriate for students across the world.
Основы морской технической терминологии / Bases of maritime technical terminology
Название книги говорит само за себя. Но книга охватывает на редкость большой круг вопросов, начиная от общего устройства судна, и его составных частей, и заканчивая специфическими вопросами по работе на контейнерах и РО-РО. Много иллюстраций, фактически каждый термин обозначен рисунком. Книга полезна для тех моряков кто только начал изучать английский язык. Эта книга стала прародителем множества других книг.
“Getting information off the internet is like taking a drink from a fire hydrant.” (Mitchell Kapor, n.d.). Medical concepts and terminology can be very confusing for the uninitiated interpreter or translator. This book will allow interpreters and translators to quickly read up on healthcare settings, familiarizing themselves with anatomy, physiology, medical terminology and frequently encountered conditions, investigations and treatment options. Health translators working on medical reports will be able to find commonly used abbreviations.
Terminology has started to explore unbeaten paths since Wüster, and has nowadays grown into a multi-facetted science, which seems to have reached adulthood, thanks to integrating multiple contributions not only from different linguistic schools, including computer, corpus, variational, socio-cognitive and socio-communicative linguistics, and frame-based semantics, but also from engineering and formal language developers. In this ever changing and diverse context, Terminology offers a wide range of opportunities ranging from standardized and prescriptive to prototype and user-based approaches.