The Grammar of Identity - Transnational Fiction and the Nature of the Boundary
In our current world, questions of the transnational, location, land, and identity confront us with a particular insistence. The Grammar of Identity is a lively and wide-ranging study of twentieth-century fiction that examines how writers across nearly a hundred years have confronted these issues.
Supplemented by interviews with successful authors of teen literature, this book presents all the elements of fiction, from creating believable dialogue to executing an exciting plot, through real story excerpts. Packed with tips, tricks, and writing exercises from an award-winning author of teen fiction, the guide encourages teen writers to write creatively and explore all the elements and responsibilities of fiction. With the book's goal of building competent, satisfied young authors, young people are emboldened to write the stories that are theirs alone to tell.
Уходя от погони индейцев, капитан Джон Картер из Вирджинии попал в странную пещеру, где потерял сознание. Очнулся он в странном месте, как выяснилось позже — на Марсе, где и был пленён племенем зелёных шестируких марсиан...
Forty-three million miles from the earth--a succession of the weirdest and most astounding adventures in fiction. John Carter, American, finds himself on the planet Mars, battling for a beautiful woman, with the Green Men of Mars, terrible creatures fifteen feet high, mounted on horses like dragons.
Tin Man is a 2007 six-hour miniseries co-produced by RHI Entertainment and Sci Fi Channel original pictures that was broadcast in the United States on the Sci Fi Channel in three parts. The miniseries is a reimagining and continuation of the classic story The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, with science fiction and additional fantasy elements added.
Won Primetime Emmy. Another 9 wins & 17 nominations