Added by: Jawdett | Karma: 49.50 | Black Hole | 15 September 2013
David Zinc, 31, is a corporate lawyer who has spent most of the past five years slaving at "something to do with bonds" for Rogan Rothberg, a Chicago firm which is "fifth place in hours billed per lawyer… first place when counting assholes per square foot". He decides enough is enough one morning, dives back into the elevator on the 93rd floor where he works and gets happily, gloriously drunk for the rest of the day. Somehow he ends up at the shoddy, ethically dubiou
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The partners at Finley & Figg often refer to themselves as a “boutique law firm.” Boutique, as in chic, selective, and prosperous. Oscar Finley and Wally Figg are none of these things. They are a two-bit operation of ambulance chasers who bicker like an old married couple. Until change comes their way—or, more accurately, stumbles in. After leaving a fast-track career and going on a serious bender, David Zinc is sober, unemployed, and desperate enough to take a job at Finley & Figg.
When Andrew Carnegie's flying locomotive deposits Archimedes the duck (and his telekinetic fish, Finley) in the vast Ohio desert, it is only the beginning of a long and torturous journey involving cannibalism, decapitation and social faux-pas. While Finley tries to create the perfect artificial poker game, the horrors of the backwater city of Zuckerstown come to light... and they are horribly unpleasant horrors indeed! Now, as his companions are brutally murdered in their hotel rooms each night, Archimedes must uncover the dark secret of the Titan Inn... before the killer strikes him as well!
Archimedes, the fowlish innovator of all things fantastical, is fresh from an uncomfortable situation with Thomas Edison when he stumbles upon a case of blossoming love ... between an automaton and a barmaid. Despite his best intentions (and those of Finley the telekinetic fish), Archimedes finds that wooing a young lady is not as easy as the how-to pamphlet would have you believe.