George Gibson - American Folk Tales. (level 1)by George Gibson
Enjoy three of America's most-loved folk tales of the 1800s! Meet Johnny Appleseed who planted apple seeds across America. Find out how Pecos Bill became king of the Cowboys of Texas. Visit a Southern plantation and laugh with cunning Brer Rabbit and Brer Fox.
Added by: azhersaleh | Karma: 53.41 | Black Hole | 26 February 2011
George Bernard Shaw
Shaw is a playwright with a socialistic purpose, and although he expresses himself through drama (mainly comedic), he did not go for cheap laughter. He uses comedy and wit as a means to an end, and if he does not feel this end is met, he considers his efforts a failure.
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Germaine de Stael, George Sand and the Victorian Woman Artist
By examining literary portraits of the woman as artist, Linda M. Lewis traces the matrilineal inheritance of four Victorian novelists and poets: George Eliot, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Geraldine Jewsbury and Mrs Humphrey Ward. She argues that while the male Romantic artist saw himself as a god and hero, the women of genius lacked a guiding myth until Germaine de Stael and George Sand created one. The protagonists of Staels "Corinne" and Sand's "Consuelo" combine attributes of the goddess Athena, the Virgin Mary, Virgil's Sibyl and Dante's Beatrice.
Hollywood’s New Radicalism - War, Globalisation and the Movies from Reagan to George W. Bush
Provides an up-to-date, insightful take on modern American cinema's relations with, and influence on Reagan's, Clinton's and both Bush's administrations. George W.Bush, Clinton and Ronald Reagan's relations are revealed with radical celebrities like Sean Penn, Tim Robbins, Susan Sarandon and Warren Beatty. It contains unique 'behind the scenes' stories and exclusive, revealing interviews with Hollywood celebrities. Described by Tony Garnett as 'an ambitious and refreshing book', "Hollywood's New Radicalism" is a timely and contentious account of the last twenty-five years of American cinema.