The Art of Voice Acting: The Craft and Business of Performing Voiceover 4th Edition
Are you just starting in Voiceover? Do you have some experience, but aren't getting booked? Are you a working pro who wants to expand to new areas of VO work? The Art of Voice Acting is a must read if you are serious about a profession in voice over and looking to maximize your efforts for success in the business.
This Handbook provides a complete assessment of the current achievements and challenges of the Minimalist Program. Established 15 years ago by Noam Chomsky with the aim of making all statements about language as simple and general as possible, linguistic minimalism is now at the centre of efforts to understand how the human language faculty operates in the mind and manifests itself in languages.
Political Argumentation in the United States: Historical and contemporary studies. Selected essays
Added by: miaow | Karma: 8463.40 | Other | 2 August 2015
In the United States, political argumentation occurs in institutionalized settings and the broader public forum, in efforts to resolve conflict and efforts to foster it, in settings with time limits and controversies that extend over centuries. From the ratification of the U.S. Constitution to the presidency of Barack Obama, this book contains twenty studies of U.S. political argumentation, grouped under four themes: early American political discourse, Abraham Lincoln’s political argumentation, argumentation about foreign policy, and public policy argumentation since the 1960s.
The story of Moses is beautifully told in this inspiring fairy tale that will delight both young and old. Beginning with the biblical figure's childhood in Egypt, the film depicts the young man -- who God would later mark as a prophet -- battling injustice as he fights to free his people. Moses culminates his efforts by parting the Red Sea and allowing the Hebrew slaves to walk out of Egypt.
“Greenberg’s survey of the earlier history of typology is without rivals, a must read for every linguist who is curious about the intellectual roots of current typology. This wouldn’t be a work by Greenberg if it didn’t go far beyond simple historiography, providing a highly original and readable framework for understanding the earlier efforts.” Prof. Dr. Martin Haspelmath, Max-Planck-Institut für Evolutionäre Anthropologie