Added by: babakinfos | Karma: 2211.42 | Coursebooks » Grammar | 6 February 2020 |
A singularly ingenious, witty, and amusing attempt to teach some of the elements of grammar by allegory and pictorial illustration. A wonderful introduction to the parts of speech for young and old. Numerous black and white illustrations complement the text. Suitable for ages 10 and up . |
Tags: Numerous, young, speech, parts, black, Grammar-Land, introduction |
Added by: math man | Karma: 198.35 | Kids, Audiobooks | 7 May 2011 |
In this charming 1877 book of grammar instruction for children, we are introduced to the nine parts of speech and learn about the rules that govern them in Grammar-Land. Judge Grammar is far mightier than any Fairy Queen, for he rules over real kings and queens down here in Matter-of-fact-land.... |
Tags: would, Grammar-Land, grammar, rules, Judge, Grammar, mightier |