Sourcebook on Contract Law 2nd edition
Added by: Alina22 | Karma: 151.14 | Coursebooks » ESP | 22 May 2009 |
This book is a very interesting cross-over between the more-or-less standard casebook and the textbook. The division of material is also interesting as a whole the book would make an excellent basis for a course. -- Jane Henderman, Kings College, University of London.
In this book, the authors have compiled a selection of materials on the law of contract consisting of case law, statutory material and academic commentary which will assist students in this subject at both degree level and higher non-degree level. It is hoped that the selection of materials and accompanying text will permit an appreciation of the key issues relevant to the study of this branch of the law. |
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Tags: contract, law, legal, interesting, Henderman, Jane, basis, Kings, selection, level, material, materials |