Encyclopedia of Hispanic-American Literature
Hispanic-American literature has a venerable history and has dramatically increased in importance and popularity in today's literary circles. "Encyclopedia of Hispanic-American Literature" is a comprehensive new encyclopedia covering authors and works that are an integral part of the high school and college literary canon, as well as those that are historically significant and gaining a reputation. This comprehensive one-volume resource contains approximately 250 entries on some of the most popular Hispanic-American authors and their works. |
Tags: HispanicAmerican, Encyclopedia, Literature, comprehensive, literary, works |
Facts on File - Atlas of Hispanic-American History
Building on the authoritative text of the award-winning first edition, "Atlas of Hispanic-American History, Second Edition" chronicles the important cultural, historical, political, and social experiences of Hispanic Americans through the years. Completely updated and revised, this comprehensive atlas examines Spanish, Native American, and African influences and how they combine in different ways to form the varied cultures of Hispanic America. |
Tags: Atlas, HispanicAmerican, Facts, History, Hispanic, HispanicAmerican, Atlas |