Эта книга — Laughs Parade (военный юмор на английском языке) —предназначена для широких кругов читателей, знающих или изучающих английский язык. Она составлена из коротких текстов юмористического характера (диалогов, веселых рассказов, забавных историй, шуток и т. д.). Большая часть материалов посвящена изображению быта и службы в армиях США и Англии. Все тексты сборника написаны живым, образным языком и насыщены большим количеством разговорных оборотов и жаргонных выражений. В книгу включены также юмористические рисунки, взятые из иностранных военных периодических изданий.
Added by: iloveenglishtips | Karma: 3584.11 | Black Hole | 4 July 2015
A trip to the Safari Park (Earlyreads Level 1)
A class of young South African schoolchildren go on a trip to a safari park. They have been looking forward to it and they can hardly contain their enthusiasm, so their teacher has to be very patient! They have a lot of laughs and a lot of fun, but they also manage to learn something!
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The Comprachicos traded in children. They did not steal them. They bargained for a child, paid and departed. The child was drugged and then deformed by the Comprachicos so that he would grow up to be a tumbler, freak or jester. Then he was sold to royal courts or traveling shows as an entertainer or oddity.
Silly and zany, and armed with the most unusual skills, the cast of superheroes that fill these pages will make learning your ABC's an out-of-this-world experience.
Meet Bubble-Man, who blows big bubbles at bullies; Laughing Lass, who laughs loudly at lawbreakers; and many more hilarious and irresistible characters from renowned comic-book illustrator Bob McLeod.
Word Hero: A Fiendishly Clever Guide to Crafting the Lines that Get Laughs, Go Viral, and Live Forever
Ever hear someone utter an unforgettable phrase and feel yourself reacting with with…well, awe? Ever read a great quote and think I could never come up with anything that clever? Daunting as it may seem, there’s nothing mystical about witcraft. Crafting memorable lines doesn’trequire DNA-encoded brilliance. What it does require is some knowledge of the tricks and techniques that make words stick.