Whether you're perpetually shy or you just shy away from certain situations, Don Gabor can help you communicate with ease and effectiveness. First, he explains how to break life-long patterns of shyness through the process of conquering butterflies. Then, he provides guidance for strengthening interactive skills. There are simple methods for: Running a business meeting Giving speeches Selling products Selling yourself at a job interview Networking
Methods in Behavioral Research has achieved its market-leading position with its concise and strategic approach to methodological decision making. Combining helpful pedagogy and rich examples, Cozby's tenth edition again incorporates learning objectives, illustrative graphics, and activities to increase student involvement. Highlights of the new edition include a broader introduction of different research techniques in Chapter 4, extensive revision of the “validity of measurements” section, and updated structural equations models.
Bestselling statistics author, Fredrick J. Gravetter, and co-author Lori-Ann B. Forzano have written a text for research methods that helps you see how interesting and exciting experimental and non-experimental research can be. Inviting and conversational, RESEARCH METHODS FOR THE BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES, Third Edition, leads you through the research process from start to finish.
A comprehensive introduction to research methods in business for students planning or undertaking a dissertation or extensive research project in business and management.
Methods in Educational Research: From Theory to Practice
Written for students, educators, and researchers, Methods in Educational Research offers a refreshing introduction to the principles of educational research. Designed for the real world of educational research, the book’s approach focuses on the types of problems likely to be encountered in professional experiences.