 50 Mixed-Ability Grammar Lessons CLASSROOM PHOTOCOPIABLE TIMESAVERS Ready-made activities for busy teachers LEVEL: ELEMENTARY - INTERMEDIATE This rich resource provides grammar practice activities for the mixed-ability class covering the main Elementary, Pre-intermediate and Intermediate structures. Each lesson contains three graded levels of activity based around each structure. An ideal supplement to any coursebook up to Intermediate level. |
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Tags: MixedAbility, practice, levels, graded, activities, activities, Intermediate, MixedAbility, Grammar, Lessons |
Richmond Handbooks for Teachers - Secondary Handbook - Teaching a mixed-ability Class
Added by: enetips610 | Karma: 0 | Coursebooks | 18 May 2007 |
Richmond Secondary Handbook - Teaching a mixed-ability Class
Это отличное руководство по преподаванию английского группам с различным уровнем владения английским ("смешанным", или mixed-ability) доступно для скачивания с официального сайта http://www.richmondelt.com, я лишь собрал разрозненные PDF-файлы в один для удобного чтения и навигации.
R ichmond Handbooks for Teachers is a collection of methodological guides written by educators for Primary and Secondary teachers focusing on the classroom reality. Richmond Handbooks provide:
- Practical, realistic suggestions for the classroom
- Photocopiable activity worksheets
- Development tasks for the teacher
- Brief, jargon-free explanations of theory
The Richmond Handbooks take into account:
- The everyday problems of teachers in Primary and secondary classrooms
- Diversity within the class
- Current educational reforms and issues
Tags: Richmond, Handbooks, Secondary, mixedability, classroom |