The exciting third novel in Iggulden's Genghis Khan series tells the dramatic story of the Mongol invasion and conquest of Central Asia. Genghis has already defeated the Chinese and Koreans, and now marches his vast army west to punish and conquer the Muslim lands of central Asia ruled by Shah Mohammed.
Avicenna and Medieval Muslim Philosophy (Audiobook)
Added by: guriy | Karma: 4608.64 | Black Hole | 29 March 2017
Avicenna and Medieval Muslim Philosophy (Audiobook)
For centuries, the works of Aristotle and other Greek thinkers were preserved in the Arabic world, where they profoundly influenced Muslim thinkers who were trying to combine philosophical insight with religious piety. The intellectual range of this great tradition is remarkable: nothing escaped investigation, from details of medicine to the mysteries of God’s nature. Avicenna and Averroes produced philosophical systems that rival the greatest intellectual structures ever built.
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In The Kite Runner, Amir and Hassan grow up together in Afghanistan like brothers, although they couldn't be more different. Amir is the son of a wealthy businessman, a Sunni Muslim, a Pashtun, and he's educated and reads voraciously. Hassan's father is a servant to Amir's father, and Hassan is a Sh'ia Muslim, a Hazara, he's illiterate, and he has a harelip. But neither boy has a mother and they spend their boyhoods roaming the streets of Kabul together.
"It is difficult to imagine a more thoughtful, balanced, or comprehensive treatment of this extremely elusive and difficult subject." -- Digest of Middle East Studies This second edition of a widely acclaimed collection of essays reports on how new media -- fax machines, satellite television, and the Internet -- and the new uses of older media -- cassettes, pulp fiction, the cinema, the telephone, and the press -- shape belief, authority, and community in the Muslim world.
Added by: hmimi | Karma: 167.25 | Black Hole | 11 December 2013
al-Ghazali - Makers of the Muslim World
In this book, I aim to convey the essentials of the life and thought of a religious genius too little known beyond the specialist world. For the breadth, subtlety and influence of his work, Ghazali deserves to be counted among the great figures in intellectual history,worthy to be ranked with Augustine and Maimonides, Pascal and Kierkegaard. This book is intended for readers with no previous knowledge of Ghazali or indeed of Islamic intellectual history. This means I have been obliged to summarize and simplify many crucial points, though not, I hope, to over-simplify.
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