Informative text provides a general introduction to the golden ratio and Fibonacci numbers for those researchers and graduate students who are working in fields where these numbers have found applications. DLC: Golden section.
The Dictionary of Real Numbers was designed for researchers who have encountered various numbers computationally and want to know if these numbers have simple form. The book is structured as a reverse handbook of special function values. It lists over 100,000 eight digit real numbers in the interval (1,0) that arise as the first eight digits of special values of familiar functions. This book should be of interest to researchers in mathematics.
The Book lets readers of all levels of mathematical sophistication (or lack thereof) understand the origins, patterns, and interrelationships of different numbers. Whether it is a visualization of the Catalan numbers or an explanation of how the Fibonacci numbers occur in nature, there is something in here to delight everyone. The diagrams and pictures, many of which are in color, make this book particularly appealing and fun.
Today complex numbers have such widespread practical use--from electrical engineering to aeronautics--that few people would expect the story behind their derivation to be filled with adventure and enigma. In An Imaginary Tale, Paul Nahin tells the 2000-year-old history of one of mathematics' most elusive numbers, the square root of minus one, also known as i. He recreates the baffling mathematical problems that conjured it up, and the colorful characters who tried to solve them.
Mathematics scares and depresses most of us, but politicians, journalists and everyone in power use numbers all the time to bamboozle us. Most maths is really simple - as easy as 2+2 in fact. Better still it can be understood without any jargon, any formulas - and in fact not even many numbers. Most of it is commonsense, and by using a few really simple principles one can quickly see when maths, statistics and numbers are being abused to play tricks - or create policies - which can waste millions of pounds.