• News articles from Voice of America, a US-based news agency • Introduction of target vocabulary, idioms, and expressions • A variety of comprehension based questions and activities • Topic related warm-up and closing discussions to activate classroom discussions
Second edition of this popular Handbook bringing together stimulating discussions of core English linguistics topics in a single, authoritative volume―includes numerous new and thoroughly updated chapters The second edition of the popular Handbook of English Linguistics brings together stimulating discussions of the core topics in English linguistics in a single, authoritative volume. Written by an international team of experts, the chapters cover syntax, methodology, phonetics and phonology, lexis and morphology, variation, stylistics, and discourse, and also provide discussions of theoretical and descriptive research in the field.
Added by: decabristka | Karma: 68075.20 | ESP, Only for teachers | 15 March 2019
This fully updated 2012 edition of English for Academic Study: Speaking will help you develop the speaking and presentation skills you need to participate effectively in academic seminars and discussions. Each unit includes discussions and presentations that relate to the topic of the unit. The written and listening texts will give you different perspectives on the topic and provide evidence to support your ideas - one of the essential features of academic life. There is also a learner diary at the end of each unit to help you think about the process of learning and the strategies you are developing.
Access EAP: Foundations is based on real student life and prepares students for the tasks that they will face while doing an English-medium higher education degree. Each unit follows the progress of three students in their first year at university as they have discussions, listen to lectures, read texts, work on assignments and make choices about how to study. Students will develop the language they need to meet the expectations of their lecturers, comparing ideas, explaining cause-effect relationships, interpreting data, writing assignments and e-mails and joining in discussions.
This book examines how urban adolescents attending a non-mainstream learning centre in the UK use language and other semiotic practices to enact identities in their day-to-day lives. Combining variationist sociolinguistics and ethnographically-informed interactional sociolinguistics, this detailed and highly reflexive account provides rich descriptions and discussions of the linguistic processes at work in a previously underexplored research environment.