After-School Prevention Programs for At-Risk Students: Promoting Engagement and Academic Success
After-School Prevention Programs for At-Risk Students offers professionals a detailed framework for developing and enhancing after-school programs. Emphasizing a prevention focus and a group-centered interactive approach, the book's year-long model combines education and counseling, incorporating key therapeutic objectives to foster academic and behavior skills and reduce problems in and outside class. Practical step-by-step guidelines for creating and implementing programs include clear rationales, instructive design and case examples, and ready-to-use interventions.
A Step-by-Step Guide to Implementing a Successful ANTI-BullyING Program. Bullying can be found in every school system, school, and classroom. It is destructive to the well-being of students, creates unsafe schools, and impacts learning. School personnel, parents, and others are increasingly realizing the importance of putting effective anti-bullying strategies and policies in place that will create safe, caring, and peaceful schools where all students feel a sense of belonging and acceptance. Based on Allan L. Beane's proven Bully Free7reg; Program, Bullying Prevention for Schools is a step-by-step guide to implementing an anti-bullying program in individual schools or throughout a district.
Medical Error and Harm: Understanding, Prevention, and Control
Recent debate over healthcare and its spiraling costs has brought medical error into the spotlight as an indicator of everything that is ineffective, inhumane, and wasteful about modern medicine. But while the tendency is to blame it all on human error, it is a much more complex problem that involves overburdened systems, constantly changing technology, increasing specialization, and a cycle of continual funding shortfalls made even more acute by resource-wasting inefficiencies.
Flax: The genus Linum (Medicinal and Aromatic Plants - Industrial Profiles)
Added by: JustGoodNews | Karma: 4306.26 | Non-Fiction, Medicine | 8 June 2011
Flax: The genus Linum (Medicinal and Aromatic Plants - Industrial Profiles)
Linum usitatissimum is a widely distributed plant that has a long history of traditional use as both an industrial oil and fiber crop. It is known as linseed in the United Kingdom, or flax in North America. For the last 15 years, there has been a steadily growing interest in the medicinal and nutraceutical value of flax, including experimental evidence for its use in the prevention of cancer and cardiovascular and kidney diseases.
A comprehensive guide to cancer prevention The oldest cancer-prevention institute in the country, New York City's famed Strang Cancer Prevention Center advocates promoting cure through early detection. It has been instrumental in developing early screening and prevention programs as well as nutrition counseling. Now readers can benefit from the same topnotch advice the center provides for its clients. A remarkable collaboration of leading cancer prevention experts and America's top gourmet chefs, The Strang Cancer Prevention Center Cookbook presents cuttingedge nutritional and scientific data on cancer, as well as a tantalizing collection of health-inducing recipes.