One look at Barry's snazzy bracelets, necklaces, and doodads, and handicrafters will rush out for supplies. The idea that such dynamite-looking jewelry can be created at home is really exciting. Of course, there's a catch: experience in both beading and crochet is a must, despite sections on basics that Barry herself admits aren't really enough for beginners. But readers skilled in both crafts will have a great time. A full-color photo of each finished project faces a list of required materials, which is accompanied by a handy listing of page references to tips and techniques found elsewhere in the book.
Knitting for Peace: Make the World a Better Place One Stitch at a Time
In this book on knitting the author introduces you to the "community charity knitting", whose members knit for refugees, homeless people, soldiers, children with AIDS ... and also offers a model projects: hats, socks, blankets, scarves, mittens and toys -Bears. Each project description without schemes.
The book on knitting doll clothes from PUPS to large. 40 original models: dresses, suits, jackets, coat, jacket with hood, vest, slippers, shawls, hats, ties, and also can decorate a dollhouse table cloth, mat, blanket and cradle for the others to each project is accompanied by illustrations and instructions schemes do not, so language skills required.
This self-study guide for the Project Management Professional (PMP) certification exam from the Project Management Institute contains everything project managers need to pass the PMP Exam, including 44 processes, and 592 inputs, tools, and outputs. Exam topics are covered and insider secrets, complete explanations of all PMP subjects, test tricks and tips, hundreds of highly realistic sample questions, and exercises designed to strengthen understanding of PMP concepts and prepare managers for exam success on the first attempt are provided.
Project Management That Works: Real-World Advice on Communicating, Problem-Solving, and Everything Else You Need to Know to Get the Job Done
Project management is one of the fastest-growing occupations in the world. The Project Management Institute has seen membership growth of more than 1000% in the last 10 years. But while many of these managers know how to plan a successful project in theory, very few have the practical tools needed to navigate the politics of today's corporate world. Project managers need more than just technical skills; they need the right communication skills to succeed.