The Mathematics of Various Entertaining Subjects: Research in Recreational Math
The history of mathematics is filled with major breakthroughs resulting from solutions to recreational problems. Problems of interest to gamblers led to the modern theory of probability, for example, and surreal numbers were inspired by the game of Go. Yet even with such groundbreaking findings and a wealth of popular-level books exploring puzzles and brainteasers, research in recreational mathematics has often been neglected.
The English Village has been designed and produced according to the standards suggested in the framework of the Chilean Educational Reform, with the main objective of providing students of 5th Basic a tool that this cognitive development contribute your personal formation, and with academic, recreational, and future work, and that, moreover, contribute to the acquisition of knowledge of the culture of his country and of English-speaking countries.
Added by: drazhar | Karma: 1455.89 | Other | 10 October 2014
Established in 1967, the Ghost River Wilderness Area, located along the eastern slopes of the Rocky Mountains in southern Alberta, is one of only three provincially designated wilderness areas in the province. As such, it is supposed to have the strictest form of government protection available in Canada, with development, motorized transportation and recreational activities either tightly controlled or altogether forbidden. This has not been the case, however.
Everybody knows how to sing, right? Don't you just open your mouth and do it? Well, sort of. Believe it or not, there is a right way and a wrong way to sing. Or, perhaps more accurately, a healthy and sustainable way as opposed to unhealthy and potentially harmful ways. Whether you dream of having a professional career in music or are a purely recreational singer, you want your voice to sound as good as it can and to last your lifetime. The best way to preserve your voice is to keep yourself physically fit and in good overall health.
The Colossal Book of Mathematics: Classic Puzzles, Paradoxes, and Problems
This weighty collection, containing 50 of what the Annotated Alice annotator and popular science journalist considers his best Scientific American "Mathematical Games" columns, is sure to please the relatively small but intensely loyal coterie of Gardner fans. Arranged in 12 broad categories (arithmetic and algebra, plane geometry, topology, infinity, etc.), these pieces cover subjects that will delight recreational math buffs, such as Penrose tiles, hypercubes, Klein bottles and fractal music.