Criminal Minds - TV Series, Season 2 Completed
Added by: stovokor | Karma: 1758.61 | | 20 July 2009 |
 For those of you who may not know they are a team of FBI profilers, spending their time trying to get into the heads of seriously whacked criminals. Headed by Jason Gideon, the strongest character, the rest of the cast has grown on us in a very pleasant, comfortable way. Especially Garcia computer goddess and brassy broad of the first water. She is a hoot :) The rest of the cast is very nicely handled from genius/geek Dr. Reid to the buttoned down Aaron Hotchner. Parental guidance: recommended ages 17+ Edited by: stovokor - 9 November 2009Reason: Episodes 16-23 added, season 2 complete, enjoy! :)
Tags: water, stock, nicely, handled, first, water, broad, geniusgeek, Reid , buttoned, Aaron, handled, Reidnbsp |