The Ultimate Encyclopedia of Knots and Ropework
Added by: JustGoodNews | Karma: 4306.26 | Non-Fiction » Do-It-Yourself | 22 February 2011 |
The Ultimate Encyclopedia of Knots and Ropework
"I tie knots for about 25% of my job, so it has been an interest to learn different techniques and history. To my suprise when I read this, I found what USA knows as a square knot the rest of the world calls a reef knot. European square knot is a different knot. Same with many more knots. Anyway great read and shows uses for rope I never thought of. Easy to follow and has info for natural/synthetic cordage of all types. Neat. Book is large, contains more photos then text, and includes some but not much history of each knot. This is a good book whether you are trying to keep your shoes tied(square(reef)),making a coveted Diamond hitch, or the feared but utilitarian hangman's noose." |
Tags: square, different, history, knots, contains, Ultimate, Ropework |
 A book for yachtsmen which demonstrates, stage by stage, the tying of 30 knots, 19 rope splices, seven decorative knots and five wire splices. We are naturally gratified that the success of our two Shell Books of Knots and Ropework and Practical and Decorative Ropework has been such that this combined volume is called for. Part One comprises the basic knots and splices with a few of the decorative type thrown in for good measure. Part Two is devoted principally to the decorative work practised by the old sailing-ship seamen whose craftsmanship approached art. Certainly it is on the level of macrame. |
Tags: decorative, Ropework, knots, splices, stage |