A father is forced to make a life-or-death choice by a tyrant. And so William Tell, national hero of Switzerland, enters the realm of legend when he aims his crossbow at the apple placed on his son’s head. The best-loved play by one of the best-loved German authors, William Tell transcends national borders and languages with its universal message of freedom. Friedrich Schiller, who would write the “Ode to Joy” set to music by Beethoven, did not invent the iconic apple-shot scene, but he made it a powerful symbol of the human struggle for dignity and independence.
Friedrich von Schiller was born in Marbach, Württemberg in an officer family. Schiller studied first law and entered then the newly created medical department, but was dismissed from the academy in 1780 after writing a controversial essay on religion On Relation Between Man's Animal and Spiritual Nature. His first drama, Die Rauber, (The Robbers) published in 1781, about a noble outlaw, Karl Moor, who has rejected the values of his father gained immediate success among young students.
Added by: alexa19 | Karma: 4030.49 | Black Hole | 17 October 2010
The Macro Economy Today
Brad Schiller's text, The Macro Economy Today, 11e, is noted for three great strengths: readability, policy orientation, and pedagogy. His accessible writing style engages students and brings some of the excitement of domestic and global economic news into the classroom. Schiller emphasizes how policymakers must choose between government intervention and market reliance to resolve the core issues of what, how, and for whom to produce. This strategic choice is highlighted throughout the full range of micro, macro, and international issues.
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The Song of the Bell and other poems by Friedrich Schiller
Added by: arcadius | Karma: 2802.10 | Fiction literature | 27 February 2010
The Songs of a bell and other poems by Friedrich Schiller
The Song of the Bell (German: “Das Lied von der Glocke”) is a poem that the German poet Friedrich Schiller published in 1798. It is one of the most famous poems of German literature and with 430 lines also one of the longest. In it, Schiller combines a knowledgeable technical description of a bell founding with points of view and comments on human life, its possibilities and risks.