How to master colon and semicolon? [infographic]
Added by: saimoh76 | Karma: 7331.60 | Coursebooks » Grammar | 25 August 2015
Colons! Semicolons! These little devices should not send icicles down your spine; as the infographic will show you, they have different uses and are not difficult to work with.
Tags: infographic , different , difficult , master , semicolon , thumb , spine , icicles
Semicolon, Colon and Interrogation mark - Grammar short lesson-
Added by: sammi2015 | Karma: 2153.62 | Coursebooks » Grammar | 10 May 2015
Semicolon (;)
The semicolon represents a longer pause than the comma. It is used to separate the clauses of a compound sentence, when they contain a comma.
He was a simple, unassuming man; yet we all respected him.
Note that the semicolon is usually followed by conjunctions like and, but, yet or or....
Tags: Semicolon , comma , semicolon , conjunctions , followed
Punctuation marks with independent clauses - 2014 -
Added by: sammi2015 | Karma: 2153.62 | Coursebooks » Grammar | 3 August 2014
Punctuation marks with independent clauses - 2014 -
Independent clauses can be separated (or connected) in a variety of ways.
Full stop
Comma + coordinating conjunction
By using a semicolon
Tags: clauses , semicolon , using , Punctuation , marks , independent , conjunction