Simplify your small business accounting with confidence! Managing the books for a small business can be a challenging task just ask any of the countless business owners and managers who have spent hour after hour hunched over multiple spreadsheets. QuickBooks 2016 All–In–One For Dummies takes the pain out of managing your small business′ finances through one essential reference.
Critical Conversation: 30 Days To Master Small Talk With Anyone
You will learn secret conversation Tactics that will teach you everything you need to confidently engage in effective small talk with anyone AND anywhere. In fact, you’ll get the in-depth guide to quickly see how powerful small talk really is… and how you can use it to build rapport in ANY situation.
Play, Louis, Play!: The True Story of a Boy and His Horn
Added by: miaow | Karma: 8463.40 | Other | 23 June 2016
The childhood of Louis Armstrong was as fascinating as the great musician himself-and this chapter book biography tells it like never before. Play, Louis, Play! is written from the point of view of Louis' closest companion throughout his youth-his horn! In a jazz-inflected, exuberant voice, this unusual narrator tells it all, starting with the small New Orleans hock shop where little Louis bought his first trumpet for five hard-earned dollars.
Richard Carlson has helped millions of people reduce the stress in their everyday lives, with their families, and in the workplace, with his Don't Sweat the Small Stuff national bestsellers. Now, he and his wife, Kris, tell readers how to apply this immensely popular and helpful philosophy to one of the most important aspects of life -- the love relationship. Heartache, anger, insecurities, and just the daily hassles of living together can cause friction in even the most happy couples.
The contents of the Panama Papers has surprised many people. In this issue we explain where this information came from, to who it was passed and why it will lead to future changes in many countries. In other stories, the cost of vanilla ice cream may rise and there is a new theory about why T. rex's arms were so small