Пять апельсиновых зернышек A young Sussex gentleman named John Openshaw has a strange story: in 1869 his uncle Elias Openshaw had suddenly come back to England to settle on an estate at Horsham Sussex after living for years in the United States as a Planter in Florida and serving as a Colonel in the Confederate Army.
Not being married, Elias had allowed his nephew to stay at his estate. One strangeness is that although John could go anywhere in the house he could never enter a locked room with his Uncle's trunks. A second strangeness was in March 1883
A young solicitor is found hanged from his four-poster bed in a country house hotel following an all-male society dinner the night before. Jude doesn't believe it was suicide, and with her friend Carole's help, it would appear that The Pillars of Sussex are involved in a grand collusion.
Old school loyalties entangle Thomas Lynley in a case that promises to be both tragic and troubling. A boy has gone missing from Bredgar Chambers, an independent school in the heart of West Sussex, and John Corntel, the lad's housemaster, has turned up at New Scotland Yard to ask for Lynley's help. Because West Sussex is not within his jurisdiction, Lynley knows he should keep well clear of the case, but the boy within the man remembers his own school days at Eton and his former close ties with John Corntel. Thus, in Well-Schooled in Murder, Lynley finds himself deeply involved in the search for a child and, too soon, for that child's murderer.