How to Teach Grammar like a Pro (Book 2)Customers have been clamoring for a sequel to our bestseller, "How to Teach Grammar Like a Pro." So, BusyTeacher is delivering a follow-up e-book filled with even more of our teacher-tested tips and tricks that make grammar fun and understandable for ESL learners. Find the same wisdom and experience from ESL writers that made the original book such a success, changing ESL grammar lessons all over the world from boring to inspiring!
Teachers are now having difficulty making grammar relatable and intelligible for native speakers that have heard English all their lives. So it only makes sense that ESL learners may struggle even more and have even more questions. But this book will help you answer them with fun, insightful lessons.
A mouse is in the house! He bounds off the counter, then devours a thousand Sour Gummy Worms. And that's just for starters! A full-color read-aloud storybook tale, specifically designed to teach phonics in a fun and focused way. This story features the "ou" phonics element!
An American English primary course for students aged 5–12 years.
Everybody Up encourages children to use language in a natural and meaningful way by connecting English to their own lives. Colorful cross-curricular lessons link English to other school subjects. Fun stories teach life lessons such as being kind and polite. Great songs, and the special Everybody Up Friends, motivate children to practice English – even at home!