Easily learn these often mixed up words that are spelled or sound similar or the same. Never confuse these words again!
Never confuse these 113 words again! Learn their meaning, spelling, pronunciation, and avoid the embarrassment of using them incorrectly. Do not fall in these English language traps that even native speakers get caught in every day!
The story takes place at sea, near the Gulf of Siam, and is told from the perspective of a young nameless Captain. The captain is unfamiliar with both his ship and his crew, having only joined their company a fortnight earlier. The Captain is furthermore unsure of himself, questioning his ability to fulfill the role of such an authoritative figure. These themes are explored through symbols throughout the novella.
Charles Dickens is known not only for his novels, but also for his short stories, particularly "A Christmas Carol." In the latter genre, interestingly, these stories had a powerful commercial impulse, for they were serialized in magazines at the Christmas season."The Cricket on the Hearth," "The Battle of Life" and "The Haunted Man" were written for the Christmas market, and all lay emphasis on family love and the delights of home. But there is more to these stories than surface sentimentality: their eager anticipation by a whole nation tells us much about the age Dickens lived in. And these stories never would have survived without roots and power.
This document contains a distilled list of the most common clue words that usually come up in the gapped text exercise of the Reading paper of the Cambridge English exams.
Having done well over 500 gapped text exercises in the last few months, while studying this task thoroughly, I've put together a list of the clue words and expressions that frequently come up at this part of the Reading test. You can download this cheat sheet here.
Just look out for these words at the beginning and at the end of the paragraphs as well as before and after the gaps and you will see your scores skyrocket.