Need to expand your statistics knowledge and move on to Statistics II? This friendly, hands-on guide gives you the skills you need to take on multiple regression, analysis of variance (ANOVA), Chi-square tests, nonparametric procedures, and other key topics. Statistics II also provides plenty of test-taking strategies as well as real-world applications that make data analysis a snap, whether you're in the classroom or at work.
Reader's Digest is the number one selling consumer magazine with a circulation of over 10 million copies in the United States alone, according to the Audit Bureau of Circulation. This monthly magazine is of general-interest, touching on topics including health, politics, entertainment, art, and current events.
Since it first appeared more than fifteen years ago, Ronald Wardhaugh's An Introduction to Sociolinguisticshas been an immensely popular textbook for courses in sociolinguistics and the sociology of language.
Organized in four parts - Languages and Communities, Inherent Variety, Words at Work, and Understanding and Intervening - the book offers an accessible, comprehensive introduction to sociolinguistics. Topics explored include language, dialects, pidgins and creoles, codes, bilingualism, speech communities, variation, and change.
A handbook for students of English literature and culture. Aimed for such subjects as "Writing" and "Academic Writing." Helps students create high level essays on various topics.
The first and only source to offer a detailed and authoritative review of every aspect of nasal and sinus disorders in children, this reference provides an impressive collection of reviews on topics ranging from disease mechanisms and immunodefense to diagnosis, medical management, and surgical strategy.