The English for Social Interaction series is intended to help foreign learners acquire spoken English skills so that they can engage in fluent communication. Social Expressions presents a series of 30 passages, dealing each with a situation that is commonly found in the course of everyday life. The key expressions are explained, supported by example sentences and, where relevant, Language Help notes. Exercises with accompanying answers are also included for self-testing.
Thinking and speaking about time is ridden with puzzles and paradoxes. How do human beings conceptualize time? Why, for example, does the availability of tense vary in different languages? How do the lines of information from tense, aspect, temporal adverbs, and context interact in the mind? Does time describe events? If real time does not flow, where do the concepts of the past, present and future come from? Are they basic concepts or are they composed out of more primitive constituents?
Three issues of the National Geographic magazine : Jan: Treasures Of The Tzars / Zulu King Weds A Swazi Princess / A Bad Time To Be A Crocodile. Feb: Minoans And Mycenaeans - Sea Kings Of The Aegean. / Where Bald Eagles Still Soar. / The Living Dead Sea. Mar: Ladakh - The Last Shangri-La. / Wonderous Eyes Of Science. / The Fish With Bifocals.
When Sam and Dean Winchester were kids, their mother was murdered in front of them by something "supernatural". After their mother's murder, their father raised the boys as warriors with skills to fight back and protect the innocent. In the aftermath of the crash, just who will survive? Will Dean and Sam live to fight the demon another day? Will the Impala be repairable? And just who/what is the mysterious entity stalking the hospital where the Winchesters are taken... Parental guidance. Recommended age 14+
Stephen Fry and Hugh Laurie are famous for their comic talents and numerous television and film appearances. Throughout the 1980s and 90s, they made a wonderful pairing as Jeeves and Wooster, also appearing together in "Blackadder" and "A Bit of Fry and Laurie". Also a successful writer, Stephen Fry now hosts the upmarket BBC2 quiz show QI. Whilst Hugh Laurie has hit the huge time in the US in the television series "House" where he stares as the irascible American Doctor Gregory House.