Amphibian Man (Amphibian) is perhaps the most well-known novel by Alexander Beliaev, a talented Russian science fiction writer who lived in the early 20th c. First published in 1928. The book tells a story of a young man named Ichtiandr (literally "Fish Man" in Greek) who as a child received a life-saving transplant - a set of shark gills. The operation was performed by his father, a scientist and a maverick surgeon, in an attempt to save his son's failing lungs.
Added by: koopfish | Karma: 10033.53 | Black Hole | 19 November 2009
- Amphibian Man is a 1962 Soviet Science Fiction Romance film starring Vladimir Korenev and Directed by Vladimir Chebotaryov and Gennadi Kazansky. ---- «Человек-амфибия» — художественный фильм по одноимённому научно-фантастическому роману Александра Беляева. Премьера фильма состоялась 3 января 1962 года. Лидер проката 1962 года — 65,5 млн зрителей.
Edited by: ENGLISHTIPS_admin - 21 November 2009
Reason: Sorry, only movies with original English, please. No dubbed movies
This chunky format, retro-feel encyclopedia reviews 150 of the most incredible cars in motoring history from the earliest to experiments for the future. Each automobile is illustrated and accompanied by informative text, a colorful quote, and a specifications box. Distributed generously throughout the book are delightful photographic spreads showing cars that are typical of their era. The chapters trace the story from the first steam-powered vehicles and the Ford Model T,...
Discover the world of frogs, toads, newts, salamanders, their natural history, habitat and fascinating life-cycles. With a series of specially commissioned photographs, Amphibian looks in close-up at the fascinating natural history of these creatures from the bright green, red-eyed tree frogs to dull, burrowing, worm-like caecilians; from startling black and yellow fire salamanders to tiny transparent glass frogs.