 Accessing Noun-Phrase Antecedents offers a radical shift in the analysis of discourse anaphora, from a purely pragmatic account to a cognitive account, in terms of processing procedures. Mira Ariel defines referring expressions as markers signalling the degree of Accessibility in memory of the antecedent. The notion of Accessibility is explicitly defined, the crucial factors being the Salience of the antecedent, and the Unity between the antecedent and the anaphor. |
Tags: antecedent, Accessibility, account, Accessing, Antecedents |
Pronoun-antecedent agreement – Grammar short lesson - 2014 -
Added by: sammi2015 | Karma: 2153.62 | Coursebooks » Grammar | 28 October 2014 |

A pronoun is a word used to refer to a noun mentioned earlier in the text. This noun is called the antecedent of the pronoun.
- Susmita is a pretty girl. She also sings well. (Pronoun – she; antecedent – Susmita)
Note that the pronoun must agree with its antecedent in number and person. That means if the antecedent is a singular noun, then the pronoun used to refer to it, too, should be singular in number. >>> |
Tags: antecedent, pronoun, singular, number, Susmita |