The rise of anti-americanism
Added by: Romadzha | Karma: 827.99 | Non-Fiction, Other | 2 February 2009 |
 Авторы книги пытаются ответить на вопрос, относится ли антиамериканизм к принципиальным предрассудкам в отношение к американцам или же это явление последних восьми лет, т.е периода президентства Джорджа Буша. Is anti-Americanism one of the last respectable prejudices, or are accusations of anti-Americanism a way to silence reasonable criticism of the United States? This new volume brings together an international team of well-known scholars from the United States, UK and Australia to examine the rise of anti-Americanism. Is the recent rise in anti-Americanism principally a reaction to President George W. Bush and his administration, or does it reflect a general turn against America and Americans? Have we moved from the American century to the anti-American century, with the United States as the 'whipping boy' for a growing range of anxieties? Can the United States recapture the international good will generally extended towards it in the days following 11 September 2001? These key questions are tackled by this new book, which offers the first comprehensive overview of anti-Americanism in the twenty-first century. |
Tags: americanism, antiAmericanism, States, United, century, international, antiAmericanism |