Improving Learning in Secondary English
Added by: msaddam | Karma: 741.13 | Coursebooks | 8 July 2008 |
 Discussing ‘learning’ in English, as the two quotations above suggest,
is an extremely difficult prospect. Yet, as the attention of the
educational community is turning inexorably to a re-evaluation of and
improvement in the quality of learning across the whole curriculum,
English cannot expect to be excused from this examination. An attempt
has to be made at this time to focus more clearly and ‘draw in the
boundaries, to impose shape on what seems amorphous, rigour on what
seems undisciplined’ if English is to be able to claim a full and valid
place in the modern curriculum. Whilst the idea of regarding English as
a‘process’, as one of the alternatives offered by the Bullock Report
quotation above suggests, has been attractive in the past, the
‘learning landscape’ of which English forms a part has changed. More
has been understood about the actual processes of learning, and
research into the nature of English...
Tags: English, above, learning, alternatives, asa‘process’ |