the animal that therefore I am
This article represents the first part of a ten-hour address Derrida gave at the thirdCerisy-la-Salle conference devoted to his work, in July 1997. The title of the conference was ''LAnimal autobiographique"; see J:Animal autobiographique: Autour deJacques Derrida, ed. Marie-Louise Mallet (Paris, 1999); Derrida's essay appears on pp. 251-301. Later segments of the address dealt with Descartes, Kant, Heidegger, Lacan, and Lévinas, as note 4 explains and as other allusions made by Derrida suggest. The Lacan segment will appear in Zoo Ontologies: The Question of the Animal in Contemporary Theory and Culture, ed. Cary Wolfe (Min neapolis, 2002). |
Tags: Derrida, conference, Lacan, Animal, autobiographique, address |