Running Scared
Ann Granger - Running Scared
Fran Varady, aspiring actress and private investigator, feared the worse when her friend Ganesh began updating his uncle's newsagent's shop. But even she couldn't guess at the trouble that would follow when a man bursts in and asks to use the toilet - and is later found stabbed to death.
Tags: Running, Scared, would, follow, trouble, bursts |
Beware of the Dog
Peter Corris - Beware of the Dog
Cliff Hardy rubs elbows with Sydney's blue bloods in his latest case, involving murder threats received by a woman filing for divorce. The clues explode when the Australian private eye stumbles upon the high society husband and his mistress--just as the house bursts into a fireball. Now Cliff is fighting for his life on a trail guarded by a snarling dog and smoldering family ties.
Tags: Cliff, Beware, mistress-just, house, husband, bursts |