Horizons is for secondary school students aged 14-19, and builds confidence in communication by providing clear structures and models.
- Multiple entry points cater for different teaching situations. - Optional Starter unit for real beginners (level 1) or mixed classes (all levels) to revise basics. - Grammar is presented in the context of dialogues, and practised systematically. - Optional lessons with extra language practice. Recorded dialogues from the Student's Book photostory, various listening texts.
My First English Adventure makes learning English a memorable, magical experience. By using familiar Disney characters that children know and love, My First English Adventure re-creates a fantastic world of discovery and adventure in the classroom that truly motivates and encourages pupils to learn.
Create a memorable and magical learning experience for your pupils with English Adventure.
Your pupils will love the familiar Disney characters who help motivate them to learn. They will also identify with the real world sections in the book that reflect their own lives.
New Opportunities Elementary. Russian Edition. CLASS CDs
Added by: bukka | Karma: 785.36 | Black Hole | 8 December 2009
New Opportunities - новое издание популярного учебника, созданное специально для российских школ.
Впервые в книгу для учащихся включены разделы по истории и культуре России. Новые разделы в рабочей тетради, Exam Zones и Skills Corners, написанные в соответствии с требованиями российских программ, позволяют эффективно сочетать изучение английского языка и подготовку к ЕГЭ.
Три аудиодиска к курсу New Opportunities Russian Edition (Elementary) в формате MP3.
Разделены на треки.
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