An old Korean farmer and his lovely young wife were very happy together, but unfortunately they were childless. They waited for many years until a very magical thing occurred . . . "finally the woman learned that she was with child." She gave birth to a little girl and the parents were ecstatic. To mark the glorious event the baby's father planted a pear tree and when he was admiring it, he decided the child would be named "Pear Blossom." She was a beautiful, carefree and happy child until the age of thirteen when her mother suddenly passed away. The old man needed someone to help him care for Pear Blossom and he went to a matchmaker.
The Comprachicos traded in children. They did not steal them. They bargained for a child, paid and departed. The child was drugged and then deformed by the Comprachicos so that he would grow up to be a tumbler, freak or jester. Then he was sold to royal courts or traveling shows as an entertainer or oddity.
The Entitlement-Free Child: Raising Confident and Responsible Kids in a In a world of quick fixes and instant gratification, The Entitlement-Free Child is your essential resource for how and when to say no, how and when to praise, how to handle age-appropriate challenges, and how to set reasonable expectations—all while maintaining unconditional love.
Once there lived a king and queen who ruled over a beautiful, peaceful land. They would have been perfectly happy except for one thing- if only they could have a child. The king searched out a wizard in the forest which would cast a spell and allow them to have a child. The wizard asked for 33 bags of gold in payment. The king thought that was too much, and then cheated the wizard by giving him lead instead. The wizard changed the spell when he found out and when the queen gave birth next spring, the baby was shaped like a donkey. Discover how the donkey regains his human form.