The attitude to learn is an attribute that you must never lose. I believe you have learned a lot of important things that will help you speak and write English more effectively. However, learning must never end here. As much as this book covered a wide range of grammatical and spelling errors, it does not cover every error in the English language. Hence, it is imperative that you continue to seek avenues to learn more and continue to improve..
A Pair of Ghostly Hands and Other Stories - Bookworms 3
You are alone in the house, ad you know you turned the tap off. What do you do then?The ghosts in these stories all have unfinished business with the living world. They come back from the grave to continue their work, to keep a promise
Audio for ESLPod and English Cafe from For many people around the world, learning English is very important. Unfortunately, there are very few useful, effective sources for learning English. Most people take English classes, which help them up to a certain point. ESL Podcast is designed to help you continue to improve your English.
Added by: decabristka | Karma: 68075.20 | Other exams, Audio | 15 May 2017
Volume 1 of Michigan ECCE ALL-STAR EXTRA Practice Tests contains 8 complete ECCE practice tests with an abundance of extra material designed to provide students with the chance to continue building their competency in each of the areas tested on the exam.
Where the Wild Things Are is one of those truly rare books that can be enjoyed equally by a child and a grown-up. If you disagree, then it's been too long since you've attended a wild rumpus. Max dons his wolf suit in pursuit of some mischief and gets sent to bed without supper. Fortuitously, a forest grows in his room, allowing his wild rampage to continue unimpaired. Sendak's color illustrations (perhaps his finest) are beautiful, and each turn of the page brings the discovery of a new wonder.