 Full of murderous action, Macbeth is ideal for manga
Witches, ghosts, murders, battles, blood-if ever a Shakespeare play
cried out for a manga version, Macbeth is it! The play regularly sells
over 25,000 copies a year, and now manga fans can get caught up in the
action as the Bard explores the social forces at work when men act
against their better nature and the natural order of things.
and prophesies. Fate and fortune. Murders and atrocities. Insomnia and
insanity. Unchecked aspirations and even decapitation. Power-crazed and
convinced of his own invincibility, Macbeth, the Scottish war hero,
turns into a serial killer, annihilating anybody who gets in his way.
This fast-paced manga edition gets you quickly engrossed in Macbeth's
blood-soaked path to power and Shakespeare's timeless themes. |
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Tags: Macbeth, manga, Shakespeares, Powercrazed, decapitation |