Critical Care of Children with Heart Disease will summarize the comprehensive medical and surgical management of the acutely-ill patient with congenital and acquired cardiac disease. The aim of the book is to teach bedside physicians, nurses and other caregivers, basic and practical concepts of anatomy, pathophysiology, surgical techniques and peri-operative management of critically ill children and adults with congenital heart disease, allowing these professionals to anticipate, Critical Care of Children with Heart Disease will summarize the comprehensive medical and surgical management ...
The books in the "Teen's Guides" series pre a wealth of information on a variety of illnesses, conditions, and diseases that often affect readers in grades 6 through 12 - from cancer and deion to asthma and diabetes. Ideal for teens living with the disease or whose family members or friends are coping with it, these insightful books offer everything readers need to know to understand the nature of the disease and its consequences on day-to-day life.
Presenting both the concerns and problems of beer consumption as well as the emerging evidence of benefit, Beer in Health and Disease Prevention offers a balanced view of today's findings and the potential of tomorrow's research.
This volume presents a collection of the most current writings on the subject of beer and it's potential in health.
Placental Bed Disorders: Basic Science and its Translation to Obstetrics
It is now recognized that defective placentation in the human is a cause of many pregnancy complications, such as spontaneous abortion, preterm labor and delivery, pre-eclampsia, intrauterine growth restriction, fetal death and abruptio placenta. These clinical disorders can often have long-term consequences into adulthood, causing cardiovascular disease, obesity and diabetes for the newborn as well as an increased risk of premature death in the mother.
Fish Disease: Diagnosis and Treatment, Second Edition
Fish Disease: Diagnosis and Treatment, Second Edition provides thorough, yet concise descriptions of viral, bacterial, fungal, parasitic and noninfectious diseases in an exhaustive number of fish species. Now in full color with over 500 images, the book is designed as a comprehensive guide to the identification and treatment of both common and rare problems encountered during the clinical work-up.