These writings come straight from Jung's own inner experience and it is his last book before his death in 1961. Memories, Dreams, Reflections is a partially autobiographical book by Swiss psychologist Carl Jung and associate Aniela Jaffé. The book details Jung's childhood, his personal life, and exploration into the psyche. Carl Gustav Jung (1875, –, 1961,) was a Swiss psychiatrist, influential thinker, and founder of analytical psychology. Jung's unique and broadly influential approach to psychology has emphasized understanding the psyche through exploring the worlds of dreams, art, mythology, world religion and philosophy.
Foundations for the Future in Mathematics EducationThe central question addressed in Foundations for the Future in Mathematics Education is this:
What kind of understandings and abilities should be emphasized to decrease mismatches between the narrow band of mathematical understandings and abilities that are emphasized in mathematics classrooms and tests, and those that are needed for success beyond school in the 21st century? This is an urgent question.
When astronauts fly into space to conduct missions, it is made possible because of precise mathematical calculations, from how the spacecraft leaves Earth's atmosphere to how the astronauts pilot the craft. How Astronauts Use Math reveals how designers use math to calculate distance, speed, velocity, and their own safety when creating space-faring vehicles. Concepts and skills emphasized include: • Number Sense and Operations • Problem Solving • Estimation • Measurement • Data Analysis • Algebraic Thinking • Geometry and Spatial Sense.