Added by: mct | Karma: 2986.29 | Exam Materials » PET | 2 April 2010
Target PET- SBTarget PET prepares students for Cambridge ESOL’s PET exam. Essential exam practice, tips and strategies are combined with fun, communicative activities, ensuring lessons are varied and engaging – and that students are ready for their exam.
Added by: mct | Karma: 2986.29 | Exam Materials » PET | 29 March 2010
Target PET – Workbook + keysTarget PET prepares students for Cambridge ESOL’s PET exam. Essential exam practice, tips and strategies are combined with fun, communicative activities, ensuring lessons are varied and engaging – and that students are ready for their exam.
This is the introductory sociology text that shows students how sociology is relevant in their daily lives. Sociology, 12/e, has an innovate new design, contemporary and relevant student applications, plus a wealth of supplemental material. This revision elevates Sociology’s high standard of excellence, ensuring that it remains one of the foremost comprehensive introductory sociology resources for students and instructors alike.
The Set Sail! Series focuses on getting young learners to enjoy communicating in English through a wide variety of activities in all four skills. Its pupil-centred approach motivates young learners, thus ensuring a positive experience in the English language classroom.
The English language is permanently evolving and developing. New words and expressions are coined and existing words change their meaning as society, culture and technology progress.
For example, Phishing. Now, you really have to listen to the spelling of this one. P-H-I-S-H-I-N-G. Not, F-I-S-H-I-N-G. Can be very confusing to hear this word in speech, therefore, you know, 'he's phishing' - what does it mean? No problem in writing, of course.
Wi-fi. W-I-F-I. Sometimes written with a hyphen, sometimes not. Wireless fidelity. Technically, it's a standard ensuring that equipment works on a wireless network. It's on analogy with 'hi-fi', for high fidelity, that used to be common for recording some years ago.