Award-winning original fiction for learners of English. At seven levels, from Starter to Advanced, this impressive selection of carefully graded readers offers exciting reading for every student's capabilities. It was just a normal Friday evening in Moreland Road. Jason was listening to his iPod and couldn't hear his mother shouting. Nina wasn't sure how to tell her husband about her news. Maggie smiled as she thought about her holiday romance in Chile. Sam looked worried – money trouble again. Then that evening something happened which changed all of their lives. Paperback-only version.
A'lthough I started to write this'little booklet only in .|985, it actually began 35 years ear'lier - one winter evening in .|950 at Indiana University. There at one of the sess'ions of the Ethno- Linguistics Seminar (the periodic meeting ground of all the facu'lty and students in linguistics), Henry Lee Smith, Jr. presented the analysis of English sounds that he and George Trager were soon to publish. The part of thejr ana'lysis that dealt with pitch, stress, and juncture seized my attention that evening and has never let go.
A mixed group of people attend an Italian evening class in Dublin organised by school teachers Aidan Dunne and Nora O'Donaghue, known as Signora. The members of the group all have their own reasons for learning Italian, and their lives may never be the same again. Maeve Binchy was born in Dublin in 1940 and is one of Ireland's most successful writers.
The London Evening Standard (simply the Evening Standard before May 2009) is a local, free daily newspaper, published Monday to Friday in tabloid format in London.
Added by: zabanbaz | Karma: 1288.64 | Periodicals, Other | 11 June 2016
London Evening Standard - 10 June 2016
The London Evening Standard (simply the Evening Standard before May 2009) is a local, free daily newspaper, published Monday to Friday in tabloid format in London.