Are your students constantly leaving out articles in English, or adding articles where they don't belong? This text-workbook will take the mystery out of these troublesome little words for your students, one step at a time.
Your students will discover the underlying rules. Then they’ll learn the exceptions to the rules. And then the exceptions to the exceptions.
Self-checking exercises in Three Little Words each step of the way help clear up the proper use of these seemingly unpredictable English noun markers.
Added by: aidsami | Karma: 1662.05 | Black Hole | 21 February 2014
Basic Grammar Spelling
At its best, English spelling can be perplexing, especially for non-native speakers and writers. The following rules and suggestions are offered as aids. You will always be able to find exceptions to these rules, but most writers find them helpful.
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Every linguistic theory has to come to grips with a fundamental property of human language: the existence of exceptions, i.e. phenomena that do not follow the standard patterns one observes otherwise. The contributions to this volume discuss and exemplify a variety of approaches to exceptionality within different formal and non-formal frameworks.
The goal of this book is to help you become a better writer. Grammar is an uncertain subject, full of inconsistencies. Just when you think you understand a grammatical rule, you learn about several exceptions to the rule. Then you learn that there are exceptions to the exceptions. So, the rule you thought you had so clearly mastered fades into a mist of uncertainty.
Three Little Words - A Foreign Student's Guide to English Articles Ночной кошмар многих изучающих английский - артикли. Эта книга поможет вам спать спокойно :)
В процессе чтения этой книги вы пройдёте 10 "шагов" на пути к пониманию английских артиклей.
Учебник написан мэтром - Elizabeth Claire
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Are your students constantly leaving out or "overcorrecting" English articles? This text-workbook will take the mystery out of these troublesome little words, one step at a time. Your students will discover the underlying rules. Then they'll learn the exceptions to the rules. And then the exceptions to the exceptions. There are self-checking exercises each step of the way. Three Little Words makes clear the proper use of these seemingly unpredictable English noun markers. Suitable for high intermediate and advanced students in grades 8 through adult.