The theme is that the child learns through play and this book, written by a psychologist, aims at showing how toys and play can be used to encourage a handicapped child's development in the pre-school years. There is extensive coverage of the use of toys appropriate to a variety of handicaps, including children who are visually or physically handicapped.
A Dictionary of Civil Society Philanthropy and the Nonprofit Sector
The purpose of this dictionary is to introduce greater conceptual clarity to an increasingly unsettled terminology that has been developing in the field of philanthropy and non-profit organizations over time. Confusion about the meaning of volunteering, association, civil society, non-profit organization, foundation and charity has handicapped communication and understanding, particularly in inter-disciplinary and international contexts.
A distinguished Soviet psychologist's study...[of a] young man who was discovered to have a literally limitless memory and eventually became a professional mnemonist. Experiments and interviews over the years showed that his memory was based on synesthesia (turning sounds into vivid visual imagery), that he could forget anything only by an act of will, that he solved problems in a peculiar crablike fashion that worked, and that he was handicapped intellectually because he could not make discriminations, and because every abstraction and idea immediately dissolved into an image for him.