Utilizing sophisticated methodology and three decades of research by the world's leading expert on happiness, Happiness challenges the present thinking of the causes and consequences of happiness and redefines our modern notions of happiness.
Happiness for Dummies Now, you can find the happiness you want and live “the good life” you deserve by applying the helpful information in Happiness For Dummies, the ultimate guide to achieving bliss! You’ll discover proven techniques for living a meaningful, healthy, and productive life no matter what your life circumstances happen to be. Positive concepts and techniques will help you change key behaviors, foster good habits, and be in sync with your surroundings.
Многие наивно полагают, что счастье обрушивается на кого-то с неба или дается от рождения, но на самом деле это состояние души, которого можно достичь в любой момент. Надо лишь знать, как это сделать. Авторы популярной во всем мире "Книги удачи" спешат поделиться с читателями своими соображениями и идеями. На сей раз они раскроют вам секрет обретения и сохранения счастья. Составленная ими анкета позволит вам оценить свое отношение к жизни на данный момент и, исходя из полученных результатов, определить, что именно вам необходимо изменить, чтобы стать действительно счастливым человеком. Справиться с этой нелегкой задачей вам помогут трогательные истории из жизни самых разных людей, мудрые советы, воодушевляющие мысли, а также практические задания, которые приводятся в конце каждой главы.
The pursuit of happiness is a defining theme of the modern era. But what if people aren't very good at it? This and related questions are explored in this book, the first comprehensive philosophical treatment of happiness in the contemporary psychological sense. In these pages, Dan Haybron argues that people are probably less effective at judging, and promoting, their own welfare than common belief has it. For the psychological dimensions of well-being, particularly our emotional lives, are far richer and more complex than we tend to realize. Knowing one's own interests is no trivial matter. As well, we tend to make a variety of systematic errors in the pursuit of happiness. We may need, then, to rethink traditional assumptions about human nature, the good life, and the good society. Thoroughly engaged with both philosophical and scientific work on happiness and well-being, this book will be a definitive resource for philosophers, social scientists, policymakers, and other students of human well-being.
The End of the Tether by Joseph Conrad (Jozef Konrad Korzeniowski)
Added by: stovokor | Karma: 1758.61 | Fiction literature | 2 January 2009
Reflective of Conrad’s realism and pessimism, this is a heart-rending story of an aging sea captain who is losing his eyesight. Captain Whalley conceals his deteriorating condition, regardless of his reputation, in order to provide financial support to his daughter. The love of a father for his only child and the lengths to which he goes to secure her happiness is touchingly portrayed. Nevertheless this is one of the most pessimistic books by Conrad. Joseph Conrad, born Jozef Teodor Konrad Korzeniowski, (1857-1924) was a Polish-born novelist who spent most of his adult life in Britain. He is regarded as one of the greatest English novelists, which is even more notable because he did not learn to speak English well until he was in his 20s. He is recognized as a master prose stylist.