Book of Lies: The Disinformation Guide to Magick and the Occult
Disinformation’s "wicked warlock" Richard Metzger gathers an unprecedented cabal of modern occultists, -magicians, and forward thinkers in the latest in the series of the large format Disinformation Guides. Just as Russ Kick’s three Guides focusing on secrets and lies from the mainstream media, government, and other establishment institutions rethought what a political science book could look like and whom it would appeal to, Book of Lies redefines occult anthologies, packaging and presenting a huge array of magical essays for a pop culture audience.
Utilizing sophisticated methodology and three decades of research by the world's leading expert on happiness, Happiness challenges the present thinking of the causes and consequences of happiness and redefines our modern notions of happiness.
Mark Currie brings together theoretical and philosophical ideas about time in his analysis of anticipation and other forms of projection into the future. In the work of such writers as Ali Smith, Ian McEwan, Martin Amis, and Graham Swift, he considers "prolepsis" or "flashforward," in which a character experiences the present as the object of a future memory, and outlines a set of questions about tense and temporal reference that redefines the function of stories in contemporary culture. He also revisits traditional questions about the difference between literature and philosophy in relation to knowledge of time.