Professor Stern puts applied linguistics research into its historical and interdisciplinary perspective. He gives an authoritative survey of past developments worldwide and establishes a set of guidelines for the future. There are six parts: Clearing the Ground, Historical Perspectives, Concepts of Language, Concepts of Society, Concepts of Language Learning, and Concepts of Language Teaching.
The World the Sixties Made: Politics and Culture in Recent America
The World the Sixties Made", the first academic collection to treat the last quarter of the twentieth century as a distinct period of U.S. history, rebuts popular accounts that emphasize a conservative ascendancy. The essays in this volume survey a vast historical terrain to tease out the meaning of the not-so-long ago.
Comprehensive coverage of all major aspects of business and finance in American history, covering the full breadth of American business history in arranged and easy-to-understand articles. Designed and written for high school students and college undergraduates, "Historical Encyclopedia of American Business" offers an inviting alternative to works on economic history aimed at graduate students and scholars.
Films such as "Gladiator", "Braveheart", and "Attila the Hun" and books on people such as the Vikings and Celts are drawing attention to the ancient people of Europe. With the end of the Cold War, there is also renewed interest in the people formerly behind the Iron Curtain, such as the Kosovars or Estonians. Other people, like the Basques and Walloons, continue to be in the media, although the historical context for the present conflict is often not well understood.