According to an August 2009 report from PricewaterhouseCoopers, the United States market for functional foods in 2007 was US$ 27 billion. Forecasts of growth range from between 8.5% and 20% per year, or about four times that of the food industry in general. Global demand by 2013 is expected to be about $100 billion.
Sustainability in the Hospitality Industry: Principles of Sustainable Operations
A clear understanding of the issues surrounding climate change, global warming, air and water pollution, ozone depletion, deforestation, the loss of biodiversity and global poverty is essential for every manager in the hospitality industry. Present and future hospitality executives need to know how sustainable management systems can be integrated into their businesses while maintaining and hopefully improving the bottom line.
Stan Cauvain and Linda Young are recognised international experts in the science and technology of baked products. They are now Directors and Vice Presidents of the consultancy company BakeTran, Stanley with responsibility for Research and Development and Linda for Knowledge Systemization and Training.
Marie L Shedlock discusses what storytelling is, the role of storytelling in culture, the crucial elements of storytelling and its possible outcomes. She also looks at the media used for storytelling in ancient times compared to the sophisticated multimedia storytelling of today's entertainment industry. She follows the changes to storytelling brought about by the writing of language.
The Industrial Revolution in America: Automobiles, Mining and Petroleum, Textiles
This book draws on the latest research to tell the stories of the industry that started the United States down the road toward economic revolution (textiles), the industry that represented the revolution's ultimate destination (automobiles), and the industry that fueled the journey by turning the nation's natural resources into sources of wealth and power.