Infotech English for computer users, 2-nd edition
Added by: learne | Karma: 237.96 | Coursebooks » ESP | 7 March 2010 |
Infotech English for computer users, 2 edition
‘A well thought out modern book with a lot of valuable material for use as a course for IT students or as a supplement to an English course for professional people.’ English Teaching Matters |
Tags: English, Infotech, course, users, computer |
Infotech - 4th Edition
Added by: abuhassan | Karma: 14.00 | Black Hole | 7 November 2009 |
Fully updated in line with the latest developments in Information Communications Technology (ICT), this course teaches students the language and skills they need to understand and work in the world of computers.
decabristka |
Tags: infotech, computer, cambridge, coursebook, understand, skills, language, world, computers, world, nbspnbspnbspnbsphttpenglishtips |